Feed Black Futures

Los Angeles , California


Feed Black Futures

Year established


Primary service

Food & Environmental Justice


West Los Angeles California

Feed Black Futures feeds Black mamas and caregivers impacted by the (in)justice system in counties across California by partnering with Black and Brown-owned farms and food suppliers in their state.

Feed Black Futures was founded in 2020 as a means to create sustainable change for food autonomy within Black communities. What started out as a crowdfunding campaign to feed 20 families for two weeks at the start of the pandemic soon became FBF. FBF works to create a world where Black people have access to high-quality fresh produce and the means and skills to produce it.

Feed Black Futures started as a collective of Black femme abolitionist organizers, growers, herbalists, and birth workers. They believe that we must free ourselves by investing in Black food sovereignty and divesting from the systems that keep people—especially Black people—in cages and exploited through agricultural prison labor.

FBF buys produce from small-scale Black and Brown farmers using regenerative agriculture practices and provides same-day delivery to Black mamas, caregivers, and their families facing food insecurity exacerbated by the carceral system. They also install gardens at their homes, support them in accessing farming training programs, and offer food justice education.

Although FBF started in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, they have expanded to the Bay Area and Central Valley. To give recipient mamas and caregivers the training and resources to support their families by growing food to eat or sell, they offer to create edible landscapes at their homes and/or pay their way through local regenerative farming training. FBF also builds leadership for systemic change via online educational sessions that engage recipients, volunteers, and other community members in initiatives for Black food sovereignty and food justice.

Source: Feed Black Futures